Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx discussed new Sixx:A.M. music and The Stadium Tour in a new social media posts, after Vince Neil’s onstage meltdown.
Sixx wrote: “Heading back [home] to Wyoming. Got a lot of work done on the new book, La Rats, a new creative endeavor I am about to embark on and seeing family. Finishing up new Sixx:A.M. with james and DJ now and next time you see me I’ll be fly fishing on the Snake river …THIS is gonna be a great summer with so much opening up but I really look forward to the Stadium tour NEXT summer…Been a minute since I’ve been onstage…”
He recently posted, “To all of the men and women who sacrificed their lives for our country, it is an honor to salute you today and everyday. It is not lost on me that freedom isn’t free. #Memorialday Thank you……….”
“Heading into the weekend. Been slammed with work and looking forward to some family time. Have a good one yourself. #sobriety #holidayweekend.”
“Today is a great day.My son @decker_sixx graduated with honors from USC. He worked his ass off to get into this school, never complained about the hard work and said every difficult situation that got thrown his way was a lesson he would later apply to make his businesses successful.Your a great son and a great friend. I love you. You kicked ass buddy. Go get drunk and call me later. Love Dad 🎓🍺📚🎉”