As word has gotten out via Mark Hoppus himself, Mark has been diagnosed with cancer. Mark Hoppus, of course, is the legendary singer and bassist for Blink-182 who dominated the charts through the late 90’s and early 2000’s as pop-punk started a world wide takeover. Hoppus, still young at the age of 49 has a journey ahead of him, but he has stated previously that he is moving forward in stride every day. We now have word on the depth of the cancer…James Hetfield Pays Weird Tribute To Metallica Bassist.
Former Blink-182 co-bandmate Tom DeLonge said on a KINK Radio interview recently that while Mark Hoppus isn’t out of the water yet with the diagnosis, that the cancer is in fact treatable. While this is a great thing to hear, it does not take away from the fact that there will still be a long road ahead that could be filled with many bumps along the way.
Certainly, Mark Hoppus is and deserves the best possible care available to him. Mark Hoppus is often seen of Twitter making light of the situation and making copious amounts of jokes about his cancer. Take it as you will, but if it helps him to push forward everyday, then we can’t talk down on it.
All the best, Mark.