AI technology is awesome, and yes, I do believe that it’s a great thing. Now, before anyone gets bent out of shape and wonders “Oh no! How could you side with AI over artists?!” Let me explain…
AI will never overtake what humans can do, and in fact, if that’s your concern, consider that AI has been apart of music for years since recording was possible, but that discussion is for another day. AI has now gotten its greedy little robotic paws all over Oasis and released what is currently being considered to be the “lost” Oasis album.
Meet the band, ‘AISIS,’ and AI generated band that has been fed hundreds of hours worth of Oasis songs in order to create totally new songs based only off of existing Oasis tracks.
The tracks that came out are really great, even though, at times I hear a lot of Fat Mike from NOFX’s vocal tones for some reason sprinkled in with Weird Al’s vocal tones, glitches right? It’s really neat to hear this and the job was done stunningly. I listened to the whole EP that AISIS dropped and it could easily be passed off as some kind of odds and ends compilation.
I urge you to check it out and let us know what you think. Is AI killing music? Eh. There’s bigger fish to fry than to let that take control of your head. I think we’ll be okay. In fact, weren’t The Gorillaz “technically” AI when they first started? No one had a hard time with that.
Bands have their songs written by producers all the time, certainly that makes them AI in regards too since it wasn’t an original thought from their mind, correct? You get what I’m saying. Enjoy the newest AISIS album below and enjoy.