The American sitcom ‘Friends’ entertained an audience during the 90s to the 2000s. It is still a loved series, and people can watch it anytime. Legends have made their appearance on this show, including names like Bruce Willis to Julia Roberts via Reece Witherspoon took part in the show.
While many legends made it, one name that came close and missed out was The Mancunian minstrel, Morrissey. In his autobiography, as originally shared by Rolling Stone and re-shared by Clash Music, Morrissey didn’t make it to the main show despite having a live-to-tape shoot of Third Rock From The Sun due to his fleeting friendship with Elaine Stritch.
He even accepted a different invite from Reprise Records, to watch Friends in action alongside the studio audience. While he showed up there, he didn’t appear on the show as a doom-laden, depressive singer at Central Perk, the coffee hub and open mic made famous by the show, which was offered to him. He wrote in his book:
Friends has become the most popular TV show in the world, showing life as it is commonly lived in America’s carefully preserved unreality. The cast is friendly, and I am immediately taken aside by the scriptwriters and asked if I’d jump in on a newly jumbled plot-line where I appear with the character Phoebe in the Central Perk diner, where I am requested to sing ‘in a really depressing voice’. Within seconds of the proposal, I wind down the fire-escape like a serpent, and it’s goodbye to Hollywood yet again.
Do you think he made the right choice or was this a mistake? Sound off in the comments.