The 1990s, a decade marked by musical evolution, witnessed not only groundbreaking collaborations but also unexpected clashes among icons. Among the memorable tales of rock and alternative’s heyday, a peculiar incident involving Maynard James Keenan, the enigmatic frontman of Tool, and the legendary Morrissey emerged, leaving fans both bewildered and intrigued.
Via Reddit – The narrative unfolded during a Tool concert, where Maynard James Keenan took the stage to share an eyebrow-raising encounter with Morrissey. As the crowd leaned in, Maynard, known for his cryptic and provocative statements, claimed to have found himself in a hotel room with the former frontman of The Smiths. The atmosphere thickened as Maynard hinted at “suspicions” about Morrissey.
The unexpected twist came when Maynard declared that he had physically confronted Morrissey, delivering a punch and, in his own words, “kicking his ass.” The audience, likely caught between disbelief and amusement, was left to ponder the nature of this peculiar altercation.
Maynard didn’t stop at the physical aspect; he went on to claim that Morrissey “fessed up” to something intriguing. According to Maynard, Morrissey admitted to a bizarre origin story, asserting, “Morrissey was born from the ass of Elvis; and Elvis was so mortified by what was born of his ass,” and that he turned away from music.
The absurdity of the statement added an extra layer of mystery to an already bewildering episode. Fans were left to grapple with the question: was Maynard’s account a genuine encounter, an elaborate piece of performance art, or perhaps a blend of both?
In the absence of corroborating evidence or statements from Morrissey, the tale remains shrouded in the enigmatic allure that often characterizes Maynard James Keenan’s public persona. The 90s, a time of grunge, alternative rock, and experimental sounds, can now also be remembered for this peculiar collision of two iconic figures, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of music history.