It comes as no surprise quite honestly that one of the former members of 90’s legendary band, Oasis, Liam “The Troublemaker” Gallagher, was kindly asked by big mouth himself, Mick Jagger, to leave his home. Old Mick certainly had the right to ask the young lad to vacate the premises. After all, little Liam doesn’t pay the mortgage. The question is why was the Northern England punk asked to leave in the first place?
As per Far Out Magazine, The Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger is famous for outlandish parties. On one occasion, Liam Gallagher, the Oasis frontman nut, completely misjudged the atmosphere and found himself thrown into the streets. Judging from Gallagher’s memory of the evening, it doesn’t sound like the only time he found himself on the cold side of a formerly warm room.
When Oasis arrived on the scene, Jagger was correctly upset and had some harsh words to say about the band. However, in recent years, Liam Gallagher has supported The Rolling Stones as a solo act, which suggests Jagger has changed his thoughts on their music and has come to enjoy the Britpop icons.
During an interview with Absolute Radio in 2010, Jagger slated Oasis’ live show. “Well, that’s what they do, they don’t move – that doesn’t mean to say they don’t connect – they do connect sometimes, sometimes they’re not always good ways,” he explained.
In 2017, Gallagher told NME: “And Jagger? I went to his house once, in Richmond. Got invited there. Dunno why. I remember getting out of the car and I’d had a pill, I went into the house and I was thinking, ‘that wasn’t a good idea’. There was no music on and I remember coming down the stairs, a bit late, and I was coming up, and I was stood at the end of the stairs, tutting, going ‘where the f**k have you been?’ and ‘where’s the tunes?’”
There you have it.