Patton Oswalt recently opened up about who he would rather be in the world of film. Patton gave two choices to himself, Doctor Who, or the one and only, James Bond. Patton’s response is incredible.
The interview, as reported by the Guardian, was great. The first question stated us off with why Hollywood is obsessed with extraordinary people, skewing perception of what’s real.
They said: “One thing I love about you is that you look like a “normal” guy, instead of a model. Why do you think Hollywood is so obsessed with casting beautiful people?”
Oswalt: “I think it’s the sunlight out here. It’s very harsh and unforgiving. So you’ve gotta have an unforgiving level of beauty to exist. Whereas England has that wonderful gloom which lights up the crevices and the crags on people’s faces. So you end up valuing the acting way more than the look.”
The next question was: “If you could choose, would you be the next James Bond or the next Doctor?”
Oswalt said: “Definitely Doctor Who. Less having to work out. You wear heavier clothes and you don’t have to worry about having your shirt off.”
This was a great response and something many can identify with. Hollywood has, at times, skewed what people look like in every department