Mick Jagger was accused of using a ‘fake’ American accent while singing by Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson in a new Rock History Music interview. The Rolling Stones Guitarist ‘Replacement’ Offer Leaked.
What’s your take on the Hall of Fame?
“Well, I’ve been there, I went there long after it started in the business. And they had some stuff that they asked me for, and I walked past the glass cabinet and saw an outfit that I wore on stage. And next to me, inside the glass cabinet, was Rod Stewart.
“And the thing that hit me was – we are tiny people. Either that or the Hall of Fame needs to change their laundry service because everything must have shrunk in the wash. Absolutely minuscule! Mick Jagger’s clothes, like a 10-year-old.”
Is it important to be nominated in the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame?
“It’s not important at all because I think, for me, the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame is really an American institution, primarily, in my view, about American music. And it might spin on to perhaps some non-US-based bands or performers who are deeply infused with Americana and American music.
“So you could say The Rolling Stones because Mick Jagger sings in a sort of weirdly fake American accent, and they were a blues-R&B band in their early days. And so there’s a lot of Americana in The Stones’ music, mostly I would describe them as being very American influence. That’s OK.
“And there are other people who also sing in ridiculous American accents like Elton John. It doesn’t sound that way at all when he speaks, he just puts on this silly voice to sing it. But there are bands who I think really exist outside that world and whose music really doesn’t owe a great deal to anything American. There are a whole host of great American bands and artists who deserve to be in the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame much more than Jethro Tull. Because their credentials are real, they truly are part of American musical history.
“I would find it quite awkward if for some odd reason it was decided that we should be inducted into the Hall of Fame. I would find that a real head-scratching moment because it’s not something I would really want to happen.
“And I don’t think it will because I have fairly good authority that we are not a band that would be in favor with the head honchos who make these decisions. And so I think we can rest assured that my need to scratch my head will be for other reasons.” Ultimate-Guitar transcribed his comments.