Reports have emerged that Liam Gallagher, the renowned Oasis frontman, has been compelled to postpone his upcoming wedding to long-term partner Debbie Gwyther. The 50-year-old music icon, who has previously been married twice, has decided to delay their anticipated Italian ceremony due to his ongoing recovery from a recent hip operation.
Earlier this year, in February, Liam announced that he had undergone a major hip surgery to replace both joints. He had previously disclosed that arthritis resulting from a long-standing thyroid problem necessitated the operation.
Despite having already made arrangements for their wedding on the picturesque shores of Lake Como, the couple has chosen to transform their planned event into a family vacation, allowing Liam to focus on his recuperation.
As reported by Daily Mail and The Sun, “The wedding was supposed to happen last month but in the weeks leading up to it Liam and Debbie decided to push it back. Liam is still recovering from his hip surgery and wants to be on top form when he says I do for a third time. They were joined by his sons Gene and Lennon and his daughter Molly and enjoyed a relaxing break.”
Liam Gallagher has been in a relationship with music manager Debbie Gwyther, whom he refers to as his “soulmate,” for nearly a decade. The musician proposed to Debbie during a romantic getaway in Italy’s Amalfi Coast in 2019, a heartwarming moment witnessed by Liam’s beloved mother, Peggie.
This wedding postponement marks Liam’s third venture down the aisle, having previously been married to actress Patsy Kensit and All Saints singer Nicole Appleton. His marriage to Patsy Kensit in 1997 ended in divorce after three years, and his subsequent union with Nicole Appleton in 2008 concluded after eight years.
Liam’s relationships were marred by infidelities, including fathering a child with Lisa Moorish during his marriage to Patsy Kensit. Additionally, it was revealed in 2013 that Liam had fathered another daughter, Gemma, from an alleged three-year affair with journalist Liza Ghorbani, leading to the dissolution of his marriage to Nicole Appleton.
Throughout their journey together, Liam and Debbie have faced their fair share of ups and downs, as depicted in the documentary “As It Was,” which chronicles Liam’s solo career since 2017. Despite the challenges, their bond remains strong.
As Liam Gallagher focuses on his recovery and prepares for his wedding, fans eagerly await the celebration of his enduring love story with Debbie Gwyther.